My Mission

I come to you humbly with nothing great of my own. I am not a pastor or a counselor or any sort of trained professional. I am not greatly educated or even that overtly intelligent. I am not some great well read theologian. I never took any biblical college classes. I am just a simple Christian woman sharing what I have and what I have is what God gives me. I write on here as your sister in Christ.

My goal is not to teach deep theology or to start arguments, but to remain focused on Jesus. I want to encourage people to think about God daily, pray without end, and surrender everything to God. I strive to be fully authentic and honest in all my writing.

My goal to is to encourage people to look for answers in Jesus and to believe. I am passionate about learning and also sharing with others what I learn along the Way. I have a past full of regrets and a present full of struggles, but because of the Gospel I know there are only great and beautiful things to come in eternity. This life is hard. I refuse to sit by and fake easy to the world. So on here I will share my life authentically and the Gospel simply. Both of those things are irreversibly intertwined.

When a person puts their faith in Jesus, their lives change. God changes people. Everything that follows this decision is one wild journey filled with crying and laughing, tears and joy, heart-breaking and heart-mending. If you keep reading, you will find all that here.

Disclaimer: I am not drawn to the online blogging platform for fame or money. I have no plans to try to make any money doing this and I have no desire to share or sell any information my readers give to me. I will not sell anyone’s email or name. I give out of what I have and I don’t seek to gain anything in return. Any resources or products I recommend are not my sponsors. I have none . I only recommend things based on my own experiences and opinions.

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