Doing The Right Thing Is Not Only Good It’s What Is Best

Doing what is right is good and it’s also what is best for us and everyone. It’s hard for anyone to follow rules without proper knowledge of and respect for the law and it’s purpose. Sometimes we can see what God says is right and really struggle with doing it. God has fully authority over us as his children to tell us right from wrong and to hold us justly accountable. I want to elaborate on this very simple principle some more to help reveal more of God’s character through His Law. At the end of the day God isn’t just giving us the Law and saying what is right and wrong just to box us in. God’s Law is good and following it leads to what is best. By the Law I mean not just the 10 commandments but all the references in the Bible God makes to show what is wrong and what is right. The Bible is God’s Law. We must take him at his word and trust that God is greater and good.

The Law saves no one and following it to perfection is not possible. Grace is the only means by which a person’s soul is saved. So what does the Law serve to do? It teaches, corrects, and can redirect us as we grow in our walk with God and our understanding of him. The Law kills, but in Christ we are alive (2 Corinthians 3:6). The Law serves us a death sentence, but by Jesus’ sacrifice we live. By the Law we see we fall short, but in looking to Christ we are lifted up. So the Law does remain a valuable tool to us. No longer our executioner’s blade, but our sword at our side because there is grace in this world. The wonderful grace of non other than God our Father.

To see the Law as directing us towards what is best really shines the light on what God values. For example because God has said murder is wrong, we can understand God values life. We can definitely see that practiced by David when King Saul was at his mercy (1 Samuel 24). Despite David’s awful situation, he chose to value Saul’s life and show him mercy. In God telling us what is wrong we can begin to see what God values as good and right. By following the Law then we are carrying out what is best. For what is better than valuing and preserving all that God says is good and of great worth. God has great reason behind what he asks us not to do.

This world does not value what God values. We must realize God’s values are counter-cultural and are growing more “archaic” day by day as we approach the end. We can cannot ignore this. What God values the world says is foolish. By choosing to do what God tells us is right, we do the right thing and preserve what is good. We must do what is best even when others do not agree or understand. God’s word takes precedence.

By reading the Bible we see God values life, real raw emotion, honesty, authenticity, humility, obedience in hard times, true faith, heart healing, resilience, hope, relationships, family, marriage, loyalty, purity, true love, justice, and mercy to name a few. God values what is good and of great value in this world. What God says is good has great worth. I can think of so many examples of all of these topics throughout scripture. That is why reading it is so important. How else would we know what is really right and what is wrong. All these values are being challenged in this world.

Doing the right thing can seem like it has no reward. Sometimes doing what’s right makes our life a living hell. It’s true that doing what’s right means you sometimes do so standing on your own. It could mean you lose everything. But if God says it’s of great value then it is. If God’s word is your only encouragement to do what’s right and you carry it out and you reap only suffering just know your Heavenly Father sees. If there is no reward or benefit in this life for your doing what’s right I promise you vehemently that the reward is waiting for you after this life. Any reward given after this life will be much greater than anything you could receive now in this life. In eternity nothing decays or becomes tarnished. All that God values will be in abundance in eternity. What a beautiful place.

Doing what is right is what is best. God values the correct and good order of things and as we do what’s right we are always choosing the best choice. With each right action we take we closer align ourselves with God’s will for our good and the good of the world around us. God knows what is best and that is what he teaches us. God is good through and through for he alone is good and holy. What he tells us is trustworthy over any other teaching and over any other authority. The Law of God condemns justly. God sent us his Son Christ Jesus out of his great love and mercy towards us that we may not remain condemned to die, but that we would be saved. Those who put their faith in Jesus are saved. No one can live this life perfectly, there is one who accomplished this for our sake. The last two verses are the words of Christ Jesus…

Do not think that I have come to do away with or undo the Law or the Prophets; I have come not to do away with or undo but to complete and fulfill them.
Matthew 5:17 AMPC
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
John 3:17 CSB

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